Francis: Pope of the immediate

There are benefits and drawbacks to being this kind of pope. We’re already pretty familiar with the drawbacks. I think the CDC is ready to acknowledge a new public health risk: Franscogenic Panic Disorder. It afflicts conservatives and progressives equally, and is marked by hair pulling, teeth grinding, hypertension, and a general feeling of confusion, disorientation, and an uncontrollable urge to leap to conclusions.

On the other hand, he is setting an example of immediacy which we would all do well to follow. He responds directly to the person and the need in front of him, putting other concerns on the back burner, and he seems to expect us to do the same when we’re confronted with his words and his behavior: responding to what is immediately in front of us.

Read the rest at the Register.


Image: Canonization 2014-The Canonization of Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II by Jeffrey Bruno via Flickr (CC)
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