Graphic abortion images have their place, but they don’t belong at the March for Life

Are you going to the March for Life, either in DC or in your state?  If so, are you planning to display graphic photos or videos of aborted babies?

If so, I’m begging you to reconsider.

I understand why people use them. Many Americans are still somehow ignorant about what abortion really is — what it really does to real babies.  They believe the lies about a “clump of cells” or “fetal pole activity,” or let themselves get confused in a cloud of euphemisms about “choice.” Many pro-lifers remember seeing those bloody images for the first time, and can recall being shaken out of a vague, fuzzy support for the pro-life cause into the realization that this is a life-and-death struggle — real life, and real death.

These images have their uses.

But a public place is not the place to use these images — ever, I’m convinced.  These images are like a terrible weapon which should be used with fear and trembling, and only as a last resort.  Ideally, they should only be used in the context of a relationship. Why?

Those are real babies.  Christians are almost alone in affirming the dignity of the human person.  The human body is sacred and always worthy of respect.  When we use pictures of real babies as a tactic or a tool, we are allowing ourselves to forget that these are children with an immortal soul, and who have a name that only their Father knows.  They have already been killed.  Let us treat their poor bodies with respect.

There will be children at the march.  Do you let your little kids watch slasher films or play gory video games?  No?  Well, those things show us actors with fake blood, pretending to be tortured and killed, or computer-generated images.  It’s bad enough when it’s fake. Why would you let your kids see the real thing?  The pro-life cause is about protecting innocent life, and that includes protecting the innocence of young children.  Violent images stay with us for a lifetime, and they damage us.

There will be post-abortive women at the march.  Imagine their courage in being there at all.  Then imagine what it does to them to see, once again, the dark thing that keeps them from sleeping at night — the thing that often keeps them in decades-long cycles of self-loathing and despair.  We don’t ask victims of rape to look at videos of rape in progress.  We don’t ask holocaust victims to look at huge banners showing the piles of emaciated bodies.  As pro-lifers, we must remember that every abortion has two victims:  the child and the mother.  We must never be on the side that hurts mothers.  Never.

Women who have miscarried will be there.  Thousands of the women at the March are mothers — mothers who have already given birth, mothers who are pregnant as they march, and mothers who have miscarried, delivered dead babies.  For many of them, the grief over a miscarriage never goes away entirely.  Many women stay away from any public march for fear of being subjected to these images so similar to the thing that caused them so much pain.  Motherhood makes a woman’s heart tender.  The pro-life movement should be a shelter that protects that tenderness — because the world needs it desperately.

Public image matters.  Some people’s only contact with obvious pro-lifers is with people who shout and condemn and terrify.  It’s just basic psychology:  if you want people to listen to you and have sympathy for your cause, don’t come across as a lunatic.  You’re not a lunatic — but to people who don’t already agree with you, you sure look that way if you’re out in public with an oversized photo of gore flapping in the wind.  Yes, your cause is worthy.  No, you’re not helping it.

They’re not an unanswerable argument that pro-lifers imagine, because people see what they want to see.  When the apostles begged the Lord to send the dead to persuade people to repent, He said that if they didn’t listen to the prophets, then they wouldn’t be impressed by the dead coming back to life, either.  Many pro-choicers speak as if it’s a foregone conclusion that pro-lifers use photoshopped images — that the tiny, mutilated feet and hands and heads are a hoax that’s been thoroughly debunked.  It’s a lie, of course.  But people believe it all the same, because they want to (and pro-lifers don’t help their cause by being sloppy about things like identifying gestational age on photos).

Desensitization is a real danger — even among pro-lifers.  It’s just how humans are made:  see something too often, and you stop really seeing it.  I thank and bless those who work so tirelessly for the pro-life cause, including those who had to spend time up close with the heart-rending remains of babies, rescuing them from dumpsters and photographing them.

But to those who use these images routinely everywhere, indiscriminately, I beg that they to stop and consider that, like policemen or like soldiers, they are human, and are in danger of becoming hardened out of self-preservation. People who have become hardened must never be the public face of the pro-life cause.  If you, as a pro-life activist, see a bloody image and you don’t flinch, then it’s time to take a break — move into a different segment of the ministry, perhaps one that emphasizes prayer and reparation.


These are all arguments against using graphic images indiscriminately, in a public place. Does this mean they should never be used?

Absolutely not.  Bloody and shocking images have their place.  Pro-life activists are right when they say abortion depends on silence and darkness, and that truth must be exposed.  Too many people who are pro-choice because they somehow still don’t know what fetuses actually look like, or what happens to them when they are aborted– or because they’ve simply slipped into a comfortable shelter of euphemisms.  These lies, this comfort must be stripped away.

So when should you use graphic images?  When a teenager shrugs and says, “My health teacher says it’s not a person until 25 weeks.”  When someone who works in the front office of a clinic says she’s doing a gentle, compassionate work of mercy.  When your boyfriend wants you to get rid of “it” before it becomes a real baby.  When a college girl likens unborn babies to tumors or parasites.  Then you can respond to the actual situation, to the actual person.  Then you can take out the picture and say, “Is this what you’re talking about?” And let the poor, dead child speak for you. 

I believe that everyone should see an image of an aborted baby once in their lifetime.  And I believe that, like any traumatic image, it will stay with you.  Once or twice in a lifetime is enough. 

Abortion is violent.  Abortion is cruel.  Abortion inflicts trauma and pain on the vulnerable.  Abortion is dehumanizing to mother and child. As pro-lifers, we should have no part in any of that.  Let use those graphic images with care and respect, as a weapon of last resort. 

Photo used with kind permission of the photographer, Matthew Lomanno, from his photo documentary of the March for Life 2014.


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31 thoughts on “Graphic abortion images have their place, but they don’t belong at the March for Life”

  1. I have to humbly disagree. Have you seen the pictures from Auschwitz? And other concentration camps? The world had no idea what was going on until they saw the photos that literally sent the world reeling. Even in today’s day… we hear of awful awful atrocities going on, but unless there are pictures and videos no seems to take it seriously. ISIS was stopped (at least on a large scale) because we saw the videos of the beheadings and the mass shootings. I totally get your sentiment. And I agree with it. But this is the scourge of our time. The Auschwitz of our time. 1 million babies a year in the US. 1 million babies a year. We have no choice but to take off the kits gloves and show the world the horror. Sadly… we have to pull out the card that says “look at this and then look away as fast as you can.”

  2. it’s important that we don’t show what abortion does. please. please keep it hidden from the public.

    yours truly

    1. I know you’re using the name “Satan” as your little Screwtape-style joke, but please consider: All of your previous posts, where you call me a lousy Jew, etc? Whose voice is that, really?

  3. Nothing is more effective than a graphic picture of an aborted child especially is impressing those who have been ideologically indoctrinated to support abortion without understanding its implications. It is in fact the exposure to graphic pictures and ultrasound real time images that have caused many former defenders of abortion to rethink what they are doing. I am a physician and have worked in trauma for years. Mutilated bodies are only desensitizing when accompanied with despair. Catholic saints have often said that mediation upon the Crucifix was their greatest teacher. If anyone is “desensitized” by the image of an aborted child, they need to rethink the metaphysical truths that make abortion, and for that matter, birth control, such a grave sin.

    1. “Nothing is more effective than a graphic picture of an aborted child especially is impressing those who have been ideologically indoctrinated to support abortion without understanding its implications. It is in fact the exposure to graphic pictures and ultrasound real time images that have caused many former defenders of abortion to rethink what they are doing.”

      It seems like Simcha totally agrees with you on this, from what she says in her post. But wouldn’t you agree with her point that the proper place to do that is in private, and not where children and other innocent bystanders will see them – both to protect innocence, and also to honor the humanity of the victims.

  4. Thank you so much.
    I see that we have the same problem on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
    I cannot understand why some people ignore all the arguments you have mentioned. Truly I can’t.
    But I know also (unfortunately) that some are so persistent and even stubborn in arguing that they have to show this pictures that no real reasoning with them is possible. Unfortunately. It is only God who can change human hearts.

  5. Thank you – very well said! The desensitization issue was brought home to me very strongly once as a teacher at a good Catholic school. A kind old priest gave our students a very gentle, non-graphic pro-life talk, but one 14-year-old girl still had to rush out to be sick in the bathroom, just because the IDEA of what happens in abortion was so horrifying to her. Which is just exactly the tenderness of heart we should all have – it’s shocking to me that some people want to trample on that kind of innocence in the name of the pro-life cause.

  6. THANK YOU! This needs to be said publicly. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I actually got out of my vehicle one day and yelled at a group protesting with graphic signs. I prefaced my chastisement with, “I am a Christian, and pro life…” the leader told be I wasn’t the “right kind of Christian”.
    I proceeded to praise the 3 women praying the rosary to their left. These 3 prayed and held signs saying, “We love you! How can we help?”

  7. Thank you for mentioning mothers who have miscarried. I hate the graphic images and have unfollowed people including family on social media who cannot seem to understand why it would be inappropriate to share the images publicly and without a warning first.

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