I hope the whole entire world saw Eye of the Tiber‘s Pulitzer-winning* article yesterday, Catholic Costume Stores Across Country Reveal Most Popular Halloween Costume Is Slutty Mark Shea. EOTT is such a treasure, and the guy who made it all up is just as much fun as you’d expect. Here’s our interview from earlier this year, in which I come THIS CLOSE to getting him to swear in Aramaic.
*if there’s any justice in the world

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But there’s no link to an interview. Feel free to delete this comment after you’ve added the link.
There should be an audio player embedded in the post at the bottom. Not showing up??
Ohhhh. Now I see it. Not sure it was there before. As I said, please feel free to delete all this.
Wasn’t just you, I didn’t see it either first time I looked. It’s there now.
Well, that’s a relief. I wonder what happened? Because Simcha’s comment made it sound as if it’d been there all along. Weird.