7 things Australians need to know about life in these United States

4. In the United States, the father of your father is called ‘grandfather’, and his father is called ‘great grandfather’, and his father is called ‘great-great grandfather’, but his father is always called ‘Aloysius’.

Read the rest of my latest for The Catholic Weekly.

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5 thoughts on “7 things Australians need to know about life in these United States”

  1. You forgot to tell them about the bulletproof vests. Include a link where they can buy one if they are planning a visit.

    Here in Mill Valley, we had an “active shooter” situation on Thursday. I was glad the vest laws were in place, as we live three blocks from the active shooting. The “seek shelter” and “active shooter” texts have also added some new terms to our colloquial speech. We mothers call it “active shooter wine”.

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