Pain and pleasure, God and the fly

We always ask why there has to be pain in the world, but how often do we ask why there is pleasure? The sleeping fly will wake with a start and buzz off to another day of his meaningless life, driven by impulses, unaware that he is even alive, until one day he suddenly dies.

But I wake up . . .

Read the rest of my latest for The Catholic Weekly.

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2 thoughts on “Pain and pleasure, God and the fly”

  1. The fascist DONALD TRUMP said to NYT “I believe HITLER was RIGHT”. yon Donald Trump is a racist with SEWER and the DailyStormer, he listens to satanic 666 racist music… just google “Donald Trump SEWER 2154” and see FOR YOURSELF!! THE MUSIC ej VIDEO IS about the KKK and Adfolf Hitler raping a 12 year old African-American WOMAN OF COLOR in front of her parents and then hanging MLK with Emma Watson and Taylor Swift!! TAYLOR SWIFT the racist white privileged cvnt said she voted “for donald trump twice” in her OWN WORDS!!! Say no to hate, say no to SEWER, say no to o DONALD TRUMP and EMMA WATSON and Tatylor Swift !! Deport racism today kap.

  2. It’s funny how a little insignificant creature can make us ponder our existence. I saw this funny little sand crab this morning on the beach laboring along doing what sand crabs do. A dark thought flitted through my mind that this is all we are compared to God, but then my mind flipped it to the other side, rejecting that reductionist idea, and I marveled at how God set up creation to both humble and exalt us. I thought of what St. Paul said about the mystery of what we will become. I felt blessed for his splendid, incomprehensible nature and didn’t mind that I am so laughably insignificant.

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