At the Register: Don’t Shoot Those Helicopters Down

Why can’t gay people (or depressed people, or anxious people, or people with temptations that are not my temptations) just shut up and go to confession?

PIC helicopter rescue

At the Register: Gay Man Refused Last Rites?

Or something else entirely?  His story stinks to high heaven, and if the priest has another one, I doubt he’s free to tell it.

Link doesn’t seem to be working for everyone.  If you can’t access the story through the link above, you can cut and paste this:

At the Register: What Planned Parenthood Needs

News flash, Cecile:  Abortion is not and never has been #WhatWomenNeed.

(Our pipes have been frozen for a few days, and my hair is in desperate need of washing; so my vanity won’t let me post a picture of myself holding a #WhatWomenNeed placard.  But if you want to join in the fun with New Wave Feminists, where you can find a template for the placard, my suggestion for What Women Need is “PEACE IN THE WOMB.”)


At the Register: Death of a Giraffe

Human are more important than animals; but caring about animals is part of what makes us human.

At the Register: Speaking of Empty Promises

I don’t trust you to save me from sin if you can’t even bring yourself to say “sin.”

At the Register: Should You Get a Dog? A Quiz

Why are you asking me? You’ve obviously made up your mind already, you fool.

At the Register: You Want Ethical Stem Cells?

We may have found them — free of the ethical horror of embryonic stem cell research, and cheaper and faster than current methods of ethical stem cell therapy.

At the Register: Are You Raising Your Kids?

Take a squint at how you’re raising your kids.  The general impression should be “up, up, up.”

At the Register: Benedict’s Peculiar Record on Pedophile Priests

As long as old lies keep circulating, we have to keep the truth circulating.

At the Register: Ten ways to raise pro-life kids

. . . without having to get off your hiney and go out in the horrible, freezing cold.