Ordinary Time: A Revelation

Ooh, doesn’t that sound like a good post?  You can read it at Conversion Diary, where Jen Fulwiler has graciously lent me some space for a guest post today.  It’s about something I just figured out:  baby Jesus being born is a lot like a baby being born.  No, really!

If you don’t read Conversion Diary regularly, you’re nuts.  Jen is a Catholic convert from atheism, now expecting her fifth child, and always has something unusual, insightful, or funny to say about her growing understanding of the Faith — sometimes unusual, insightful and funny, all three!  Sometimes just two.  But never fewer than two, I would say.

Oh, and she is also, of course, the brilliant inventor of Seven Quick Takes, which has saved my sorry hide more times than I can count.  Probably seven!  But not fewer than seven, definitely.

Yes, yes, come see my post at Conversion Diary today.  I wrote it a few days ago, when I was able to write actual sentences.  And welcome, Conversion Diary readers!  I hope you stick around.


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