Catholicism without Christ

Is there any return from being cancelled? We’re not really sure. But there is wailing and gnashing of teeth until the 24-hour news cycle moves along and you are forgotten.
This is what comes of religious practice without faith, of Catholicism without Christ: At best, you enjoy some faint mimicry of the riches the faith has to offer; at worst, you suffer immensely, without any hope of redemption.

It is sad to live this way. It is ridiculous. But at least there is some excuse.

Read the rest of my latest for The Catholic Weekly

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3 thoughts on “Catholicism without Christ”

  1. “And what about the rest of us… Do we have Christ? Do we want him? Do we behave as if we truly believe he lives among us? I know what my answer is, more often than not. I see my sins…
    But my friends, this is WHY we have the sacraments… This is WHY the Church has given us confession and the Mass… Because Jesus knew that we are always in danger of losing him, always in danger of forgetting who is is we have and why. Always in danger of throwing him away in favour of something foolish and empty. Away in danger of replacing him with a counterfeit.”

    THANK YOU FOR THIS. Your words are really important

  2. Yes! Blessed are the fusty, a hundred times over. The example of the fasting from meat brought it home. I guess people misdirect their good intentions and their virtue signalling because it’s impossible today to understand why anyone would do anything for an “old fashioned” God who died thousands of years ago. The sea turtles and
    cows seem like a plausible reason to sacrifice. Don’t get me wrong I love sea turtle and cows, but I’m not going to give my right arm for them. It’s this whole longing for God we will have till the day we die, but some of us don’t know that’s what we long for.

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