Divine Social Distancing: Medjugorje apparitions cease as pilgrim stream dries up

After an unbroken 33-year run, the Virgin Mary will cease her punctual monthly visits to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragičević, according to the Italian non-profit La Luce De Maria. The source said:

Our Lady on March 18, 2020 in Medjugorje, announced to the visionary Mirjana that the apparition of the 2nd of each month has ended.  

The news began to circulate after 14:30 today, at the end of the extraordinary apparition to Mirjana, which took place exceptionally in her home, given the absence of pilgrims due to the blockade of the borders due to the Coronavirus.  

According to some estimates, 30 million pilgrims have come to Medjugorje since the alleged apparitions began in 1981, and the once-sleepy town has been transformed into a bustling and profitable mecca.  But the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Bosnia on March 5, and travel is now tightly restricted. The news that the visions will cease came a day after the state of emergency was called on March 17. 

It’s not the first time the Gospa (“Lady”) has changed her schedule to accommodate the convenience of human crowds. One eyewitness to Marijana allegedly receiving a scheduled vision describes how the Virgin apparently kept her visit short enough to fit within the time allotted to the Joyce athletic center at Notre Dame:

Near the middle of the basketball court a dais was set up; on the right side was a crucifix, on the left side was a podium, and in the middle was a large statue of Our Lady.  To the left side of the dais was a piano which someone played in order to lead the people in singing hymns.  In front of the dais, in the center, was a prie-dieu set up for Marija to kneel during her vision.

The organizer of the event greeted us by letting us know that we would pray a rosary, and then Marija would talk a bit, lead us in a few prayers, and then go into her vision.  He also noted that there was going to be another event in the Joyce Center around 8 or so, and that they had promised the Joyce Center people that the crowd would depart by 7:45.

The eyewitness also notes that, after the Gospa apparently departed,

“organizers were wondering if people would be willing to ‘donate’ money to Marija to cover the costs of her flight out.  Not for any of the churches over in Medjugorje, not for some charitable organization, but to cover her flight.  A couple hundred check books came out.”

Mirjana, who claims to have seen the Mother of God on the second of every month as well as on her birthday since 1987, divides her time between Italy and Medjugorje, where she owns several hotels. One, a four-star hotel named “Magnificat,” has 54 rooms. According to the hotel’s website, “It was born as the home of the Queen of Peace, so that every guest can feel His maternal benevolence both spiritually and materially.” A travel brochure for the hotel promises, “Marija Pavlovic … will be often present in the center to give her testimony.”

Marjana and her husband live on an island in a seaside villa with a pool, which the couple rents to tourists. Vicka and Ivan, two of the other seers, have also invested heavily in real estate and hotels. Vicka still gets daily visions; Ivanka, the fourth, had daily visions for several years, but now only sees the Mother of God once a year. In total, the alleged seers have logged close to 50,000 visits. 

In 1983, the Virgin Mary allegedly told Mirjana:

“Assemble about twenty young people who are ready to follow Jesus without reservation. Bring them together within a month’s notice. I will initiate them into the spiritual life. There can even be more than twenty.”

But in 2020, a crowd of merely twenty may not be large enough to make it worthwhile for the Mother of God to appear.

She will, however, continue to visit Marijana on her birthday every year. It’s not yet clear whether, as with past apparitions, pilgrims will be allowed to live stream Marijana receiving her scheduled vision. 


More reading: “The Lady of Medjugorje is not your mother” explores the alleged good fruits and the copious red flags surrounding these alleged apparitions.

Image: “Apparition Hill” in Medjugorje, photo by Michał Maksymilian Gwozdek / CC0

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19 thoughts on “Divine Social Distancing: Medjugorje apparitions cease as pilgrim stream dries up”

  1. I have been to Medjugorje 3 times since the 1980s. The messages are very peaceful and reassuring, there is nothing there but a bunch of people going to Mass and praying the Rosary. There is a marketing aspect to it but go to Lourdes and you see the same thing. I don’t feel the need to go there again. All and all it did encourage me to not give up on prayer and living a moral life.

  2. It is not the place that converts people, it is the state of the heart of the individual. For instance, if someone told me this or that place has Mary appearing, my openness to this and actually going will cause me to receive graces because I am hungry for God. God simply gives graces because of the disposition of our heart and our willingness to do something to come closer to God. Medugorje has conversions because of this very fact. God is pleased to bless people with graces because of their willingness to make that move. I do not believe in medugorje and conversions do not legitimize this place.

  3. If the visions were true, why the Virgin Mary did not reveal to the crooked lady that a pandemic was coming towards the end of 2019? I knew it was a scam. The crooked seer is after money so she can buy more hotels.

  4. I have been to Medjugorje…it is peaceful, but I knew then, back in 1990, that it was either a hoax or diabolical in origin. I met the seers apart from Ivanka and Mirjana and was utterly unimpressed. They seemed shifty and false. I was so disappointed as I had believed until I went there. Medjugorje is a money making scam and more fool the people who believe it. I am amazed people actually think this Gospa is our Mother. They would be better focusing on Fatima, the TRUE visions, and the truth of them. The truth that Satan wants to draw people away from through the demonic activity at Medjugorje.

    1. I’ve been to Medjugorje and experienced the Peace of the Presence of God, and have witnessed firsthand many conversions of heart to Jesus through Mary, with sacramental confession, Daily Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Daily Holy Rosary, Fasting and a return to Sacred Scripture.

      Our Lady is ALWAYS with us and loves each one of us unconditionally, for in us she sees the True Image of her own Son, Jesus Christ. Our Lady will always lovingly lead us to Jesus, our Savior!

      1. Hi. I read your comments on Medjugorje. I cannot say anything for sure. I have gone there 3 times. The last time I went I only wanted my husband to see it. I felt really that I don’t need to go again. I spent a lot of money last time I went. I felt for some reason kind of guilty. I just don’t see the point of having to keep spending money on airplanes and hotels to buy graces. I kind of wished instead to make a really beautiful gift to God I had just gone to my own church in my own hometown and also used some of that money to donate to a reputable charity in my own town. For example, I admire and respect the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The one thing that did impress me about Medjugorje was Cenacolo. I am not sure of spelling. It is branched there and has branches all over the world. They help young people get off drug addiction. Also, as an individual I really do not do well with threats of punishment if I don’t pray enough. I know human beings need accountability, but it’s just like this: if I feel that someone is holding a gun to my head and telling me to love him or her, will I will certainly be motivated to love the person but I think my love is not really very heartfelt if you know what I mean. Anyway I feel much better about myself just trying to pray at home and trying to be a good person here. My understanding is that these visionaries have made a lot of money and own extensive properties, exotic vacation homes etc. I suppose they do need to earn a living.

  5. Amazing how individuals who have never been to Medjugorje and seen some of the Visionaries give their personal witnesses, pontificate, and cAtegorically state that the messages clash with church teachings. Are calls to conversion, to confession, to daily prayer with the heart, to fasting…inconsistent with Church teachings?

  6. Our Lady never departed, nor does She have the keys to physically open the Bosnian borders. Man and governments still have Free Will perhaps the reason why so many are unable to travel to Bosnia.

    My conversion took place in Medjugorje 30+ years ago. Prior, I lived an extremely evil life one that would lead to hell, breaking all 10 commandments. Today, daily rosary daily mass, and spreading the gospel is just a few things that have entered my life. Not too bad for “good friends -A”? Yea, I am not alone, there are millions of people just like me, some 60+ million.

    I do insult people who are opposed to Medjugorje, they just end up drinking from the same kool aid as others do, those who spread propaganda instead of seeking out the truth. I cannot help notice the greatest skeptics, (you know those experts who know everything about Medjugorje) are those who never once stood foot in the prized village, nor interviewed the seers, or found the profound peace that everyone experiences in Medjugorje.

    You stated, the Gospa has left the seers. Have you considered meeting the seers first hand perhaps challenge your concerns and learn first hand the truth? It must be bothering you just enough since you created a blog, against Our Lady. For the record, to clarify, Our Lady never left.

    Regardless, what you may think, lucky you, Our Lady will soon ‘leave’ and leave for good, and once She does the ten secrets will begin to occur. Once the secrets unfold you will be hard pressed to refute or mock Medjugorje anymore and as a result you will need to ask for Her forgiveness. Perhaps you ought to consider a trip to Medjugorje at that time to personally witness the ‘Great Sign’ and ask better questions like, “Why was I unable to understand the truth, why was I blinded, and why I was bashing Our Lady in the first place?”

    The those who were mislead let me be brief. Pope Benedict 16th NOT Pope Francis created a commission to study Medjugorje for four years. That included a study of the messages, actually visiting the site, interviewing the seers, and looking closely at all the propaganda. Results were?
    The church has approved the first seven days, as authentic, FROM Our Lady. You may ask, why not approve it up to the 39 year marker ? It is because of the hardening of your hearts plus the seers continue to have daily visitations.

    Time is short, and your readers too, will be asking better questions and looking internally once the secrets unfold. Stay tuned, it is now very close.

    1. Did you say you experienced a conversion 30 years ago? What happened since, because I don’t detect God’s love and mercy in your tone.

      1. You experience the gift of faith from God, not Medjugorje
        Our lord spoke of the man whose built house on Sand, when the tide came in, it collapsed. But a man whose build his house on rock it will survive. Put faith in God, not medjugorje.

    2. No apparitions have been approved yet. The first seven are being re-studied – not approved as yet. Both Pope John Paul 2 and Pope Benedict 16th NEVER approved or give any backing to the goings on at Medjugorje. Wait and see.

  7. The big question is will she come back once this blows over?

    I hope this is the beginning of the end of this and I won’t get the Heebie-jeebies every time I hear ‘Medujorje’.

  8. Would it hurt anyone to live the messages? What if it is truly a call to conversion and we’re are trashing the message and the messengers?

    1. She actually wrote about that awhile back, I think she reposted that today too.

      At the point that these people are making money and seeking fame, while literally every other known seer in human history has been poor, remained poor or entered into religious life, and has generally rejected and even loathed the limelight makes these people seem suspect.

      1. I totally agree! I have been there with my family in 2019. Our lady wouldn’t deny innocent faithful an experience because they’re hungry for God. They are seeking. What made me investigate is the seers house or pansion is available only for the rich dollar paying Americans and only one particular agency arranges. I have also noticed that the seer is wearing expensive clothes. Then there is the photos of the seers daughter’s wedding published in the book written by the seer. I have read about other things as well, beside videos of Marija Pavlovic avoiding enquiries from the investigators. It’s really sad.
        Medjugorje is a peaceful place though.
        May God forgive them.

    2. Sadly the message has been inconsistent. It has clashed with Church teaching/tradition and very much with past Marian messages.

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