I don’t know if you guys realize this, but June is, in fact, bustin’ out all over.
The feeling is getting so intense!
And the Fishers are so busy
That I’m always in a tizzy
But I still have time to make a wattle fence!
Because it’s Junnnnnnne!
And I do what I wannnnnnnt! Overall.
I do apologize for how dead the site has been lately. I honestly have been writing, and I hope to have more up next week! I also think I have fixed the issue with the com box. If you left a comment last week and it didn’t show up, it’s because I had a leetle spam problem and still have to manually sort through almost 6,000 comments, which, honestly, I might just . . . not do. But like I said, I think I fixed it!
Here’s what we ate this week:
Grilled ham and cheese, watermelon
Shopping day, uff cawse. I had planned grilled ham and cheese last week, but didn’t make it, so we had plenty of sourdough and sliced cheddar and ham. Easy peasy, and it was a good thing, because one kid had a party to go to (and a present to buy), two kids needed to be at work, and there was an art thing downtown and the non-working kids were helping the other kids set up, and I realized that meant the other kid was gonna be alone all day, so we invited a friend over for her, which turned into her meeting the friend at the beach (not that beach, the other beach) and then coming here, and then everyone needed to be picked up from their parties and jobs and arts and confession and whatnot, and, long story long, we had grilled cheese.
Kids had a fire and made s’mores after dinner. I will eat many, many disgusting things, but I draw the line at s’mores, for some reason.
A few months ago, when I still thought we had a 50/50 chance of seeing the parousia before June, I signed up to make dinner for the youth group. But I lost that bet, so on Saturday night I started hacking up pork shoulder and browning it.
I had bought some ludicrous number of pounds of pork, too much to fit in the slow cooker, so I put it in a giant casserole dish and covered it tightly with tinfoil and cooked it in the oven at 225 for about five hours.
Here’s my pulled pork recipe.
Jump to RecipeI bumped up all the seasonings a bit, used jarred jalapeño instead of fresh (without the juice), and added a heavy hit of liquid smoke. Oh my dammit, it smelled amazing. I thought I’d have to leave it cooking slowly overnight, but it was shreddy betty and so good.
Pulled pork sandwiches, chips, broccoli slaw, watermelon
Sunday was Corpus Christi, which I love so much. My 90-year-old friend has been coming to Mass with us, which is excellent, but of course she wasn’t quite up for a long walk in the blazing hot sun afterward, so I brought her home while the rest of the family joined in the procession. Found out later that Benny, who is not even 90, fainted! Just too much sun and not enough water, and plus we had stayed up late to watch Godzilla Minus One the night before. So down she went, and bopped her head on the pew when she fell. SHE IS FINE. But it was a worrisome day, because we have some medical nonsense in this family to worry about. But she was just very dehydrated.
It turns out everyone else in the parish is also super busy in early June, so the youth group was a very small group, and even taking that into account, I absolutely CLOBBERED them with food. One smart thing I did, though, was realize that a cooler isn’t just for ice, but will also keep hot food hot. So I didn’t have to muck around with cooking in the church basement and trucking the food over to the other building this time, but just heated everything up at home and then brought it straight to the yoot.
We had kaiser buns and pulled pork and two kind of BBQ sauce on the side, but the meat truly didn’t need it. Bunch of sliced onions and some of that hot cheese sauce I love so well for the sandwiches, tons of potato chips, tons of watermelon cut into chunks, and tons of soda. At the last minute I also made some broccoli slaw just to have something green.
I threw the broccoli into the food processor and then jammed some carrots in, but I wasn’t thinking clearly, and ended up with basically minced broccoli and discs of carrots. Which is fine, but it looked . . . dated. Can’t explain it, but it looked like someone’s elderly aunt had brought it to a birthday party and called it her famous slaw.
Anyway, I made the dressing from this coleslaw recipe, which calls for mayo, dijon mustard, maple syrup, celery seed, salt, and pepper. I skipped the celery seed and didn’t even notice it called for dijon mustard until about the middle of this sentence. Then I threw in some sliced almonds, and probably would have put in dried cranberries if we had had any. Considered sunflower seeds and realized I’m at least allegedly feeding teenagers, not chipmunks.
Look, I took a few gummies last night to help me sleep, and I’m feeling too dumb to write short paragraphs, so you’re just gonna get the whole . . . pork. I don’t know.
Anyway, there was SO much dang pork. Which is not a bad thing! I thought the addition of the liquid smoke was excellent, so I’ll be adding that from now on.
Roast pork ribs, flavored rice, watermelon, broccoli slaw
Monday I wasn’t ready to look at pulled pork again yet, and I had arranged my day so that I was somehow doing errands for strangers much of the day? I live like I have a personal assistant who has a grudge against me. Anyway I got it all done, and got supper started at like five o’clock. Not pulled pork but roast pork ribs, because they were 99 cents a pound and I’m not made of stone.
Pork ribs sprinkled heavily with salt and pepper and thrust under a hot broiler, turned once; leftover watermelon (did I mention that watermelons were on sale so I bought four?), leftover broccoli slaw, and something the kids covet ardently and I should probably make more often: Rice cooked in chicken broth. Truly, your jaw would drop if you saw how excited they were about this faintly yellow rice.
And you know what, it’s good. Tastes like chicken.
I don’t think I mentioned how the broccoli slaw turned out. The dressing tasted WONDERFUL when I made it, really zippy and nice; but it was one of those mysterious recipes that went flat right away, and got flatter every hour thereafter. So it was quite, quite bland by Monday. I was still happy to have something cool and vegetabally, but it was not exciting. I did like having the crunchy almonds in there.
Pizza with chive blossoms
My chives peaked over the weekend, and I had been meaning and meaning to fry the blossoms, but I just did not have time. So I made some pizzas on Tuesday: One pepperoni, one plain cheese, and one with black olive and leftover peppers and onions sauteed up, and then when it came out of the oven, I threw chive blossoms on top of it.
Kinda wish I had put some of them on first before baking, because I think they would have been nice with a little frizzled, but they were good as they were. Kinda cute, not mindblowing.Tasted like chives. So now I know!
Pork tacos, watermelon
Wednesday I had to face the fact that I had forgotten to put the leftover pulled pork in the freezer, so it was do or die. Pork or die.
It was supposed to be taco day, so I just heated up the pork and served that with taco fixings. Did not adjust the seasoning or anything, and guess what, it was yummy.
Or maybe I was just starving because I was going crazy with yard work, but I thought they were great.
Wednesday I also culled baby peaches. Last year we had a late frost that killed all the buds, and we had zero peaches. This year we have . . . I honestly think over a thousand, on just the one tree. It just went berserk with pent-up peachiness. At first I was delighted, and then I realized that letting that many peaches grow to maturity would yield a bumper crop of small, tasteless peaches, and would probably also split the tree when they got heavy.
I HATE thinning baby plants. It’s not as bad as pinching off blossoms, but it’s pretty rough. Just feels so brutal and wrong. But I want to take care of my tree, so I spent a LONG time plucking off baby peaches, and after about an hour of staring up into the sun between the leaves, calculating six inches between peaches, and repeatedly getting a face full of crispy old peach blossom debris and picking baby peaches out of my cleavage, that particular emotional knife had been blunted quite a bit.
Here’s what they look like. They’re the size of large olives, and they are too young to have pits.
I have filled two gallon ziplock bags and I’m maybe 1/4 of the way through the tree. It turns out you can pickle baby peaches. This lady says they don’t taste like much, so they take on whatever flavor you put in the vinegar solution. I told myself I was going to try this, but honestly I think I’ll offer them on buy nothing and let them be someone else’s broken dreams this year. Or maybe just feed them to the ducks. Ducks have no dreams.
One-pan garlicky chicken thighs with potatoes and zucchini
Thursday was the first day this week I deliberately cooked something specifically for that day, rather than just dealing with whatever nonsense that hostile PA had set up for me. Samantha, or Simba, or whatever her name is.
What I had was a bunch of chicken thighs that were on sale, and zucchini that reminded me that I once made a zucchini dish that everybody liked, and it was on a week we were replacing the bathroom floor, so I figured it must be easy. So I made it again! Yay!
Got the chicken marinating in the morning. It’s a simple marinade, just olive oil and balsamic vinegar and apple cider vinegar, plus garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper, and fresh basil and garlic. I prepped the garlic by peeling it, putting it in a sandwich bag, and bashing it with the end of a rolling pin, so it was it kind of flattened fragments. I don’t know if there’s a name for this form of garlic, but I find it very useful in marinades, because it imparts garlic flavor to the whole thing, but also has little bits of garlic you can bite into.
So that marinated all day. I forgot to buy summer squash, but I cut up about four pounds of potatoes (skin on) and two large zucchini, also skin on. I cut them into thickish quarter-round wedges, and put them in a bowl covered with cold water to keep them from browning.
Later that day, I was worried they’d be getting soggy, so I drained the water off, recalling that I have heard that potatoes that have been doused with cold water will not get discolored even if you drain the water off. I wish I had done this sooner, so I’d have a better idea of how long you can do this in advance of cooking them, but I can say that they will go at least two hours after draining the water off without turning brown. Nice.
I sprayed a couple of giant sheet pans, put the chicken on, and then arranged the potatoes and zucchini in between the chicken. I didn’t pour all the marinade in, but I did fish out the basil and garlic with a slotted spoon and spread that over the chicken. Then I sprinkled the potatoes and zucchini with more garlic powder, onion powder, and salt, and just cooked it undisturbed for about forty minutes.
It doesn’t look glamorous, but it’s really delicious. Probably wouldn’t have hurt to stir up the potatoes and zucchini 20 minutes in, so they’d be more brown on the top; but they had a great little crust and wonderful flavor on the bottom, so no complaints.
The fresh garlic and basil are really pleasant and summery, and the chicken came out super juicy. I’m not a giant zucchini fan, but I remembered to cut it into big enough wedges so it didn’t get slimy, and it was really tasty with the slightly sweet, sharp marinade. Would have been good with some crusty bread to sop up the extra sauce.
If you’re looking for an easy, one-pan meal that’s nice and summery, this is the one!
If you’re looking for something really fantastic to do with zucchini, I recommend this zuchhini agrodulce recipe from Sip and Feast. It’s quite a hassle, but holy wow, it is fantastic. I hope I have time to make this when vacation starts.
Lemon garlic shrimp pasta
This bag of shrimp I got on sale a few weeks ago has been in the freezer long enough. I had kind of a long argument with the kids wherein they accused me of CONSTANTLY serving shrimp lo mein, which I KNOW is not true, and even if it were, WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT SHRIMP LO MEIN. They were, of course, just yanking my chain, but I just dangle it out there all the time, begging one or more of our innumerable chain-yankers to come yank it.
ANYWAY, I’m not going to make shrimp lo mein. I’m going to make lemon garlic shrimp pasta from Sip and Feast, who claims that it is easy and impressive. I like all those words (lemon, garlic, shrimp, pasta, easy, and impressive, not to mention sip and feast), so I don’t see how this can be bad. The jerks can eat plain pasta with butter, which I will admit is also delicious.
This week the main things I’ve been working on are — well, Millie’s garden and Millie’s fall alert system, to be honest, and also my garden (got the last bits filled in with collard, hooray!) and adding legs to the final piece of salvaged platform, so we can have a little pool deck. I’ve only been to Home Depot three times so far, and I know that’s not going to be enough to satiate the project gods.
Oh, I also did some more work on my wattle fence, which is my pride and joy. It’s very possible it looks stupid and nobody wants to say anything, but I just love it so much. Any time I have more than half an hour free, I get the giant clippers and call the dog, and we go out to the woods and cut down as many saplings as I can drag. Then I sit and trim off all the green and all the twigs, and then I weave what’s left into my fence. It’s deeply satisfying.
I also have an ongoing project that’s less satisfying, and that is putting a lot of energy into not dealing with or even seeing the five trash bags of foam fragments that are in the dining room, which used to be in Corrie’s oversized bean bag chair, and which . . . hey, is there a violent stomach bug going around where you are? Because there is here. All I’m gonna say about that is: If you have a kid who is going through a picky stage and only eats rice for dinner? SOMETIMES THAT’S NOT A BAD THING.
Anyway, we have ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT, the peonies all burst open the other day, Merlin says there is an indigo bunting somewhere in my yard, and I’m gonna get those legs on that deck if it kills me. And it will! But I plan to die at home, doing what I love (eating pork).
Oh, today is the feast of the Sacred Heart, and I’m thinkin of making this Coeur à la Crème with Blackberry Sauce. I’m thinkin about a lot of things.
Clovey pulled pork
- fatty hunk of pork
- salt and pepper
- oil for browning
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 2/3 cup apple juice
- 3 jalapeños with tops removed, seeds and membranes intact
- 1 onion, quartered
- 2 Tbsp cumin
- 1 tsp red pepper flakes
- 2 tsp ground cloves
Cut pork into hunks. Season heavily with salt and pepper.
Heat oil in heavy pot and brown pork on all sides.
Move browned pork into Instant Pot or slow cooker or dutch oven. Add all the other ingredients. Cover and cook slowly for at least six hours.
When pork is tender, shred.

One-pan garlicky chicken with potatoes, summer squash, and zucchini
- 12 chicken thighs
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
- 1/4 cup cider vinegar
- 6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
- 2 tsp ground pepper
- 1 Tbsp onion powder
- 1 Tbsp garlic powder
- 1 Tbsp salt
- fresh basil, chopped
- more salt, garlic powder, and onion powder for sprinkling
- 4 lbs potatoes, scrubbed and sliced thickly
- 6 assorted zucchini and summer squash, washed and sliced into discs with the skin on
Combine the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, cider vinegar, garlic, garlic powder, onion, powder, salt, pepper, and fresh basil. Marinate the chicken thighs in this mixture for at least half an hour.
Preheat the oven to 400.
Grease two large baking sheets. Arrange the chicken, potatoes, and vegetables on the sheet with as little overlap as possible.
Sprinkle additional salt, onion powder, and garlic powder on the potatoes and vegetables.
Cook about 40 minutes or until chicken is completely done and potatoes are slightly brown on top.
I really love your summer projects!
I cannot tell you how relieved I am about the spam problem last week, because last week was when I finally came out of the lurk and told you how delightful I find this blog, and I’ve spent all week telling myself firmly that it’s ok for Simcha to have boundaries and not want a new commenter who isn’t even Catholic.
(I’m also unable to digest a large variety of foods— this is the one and only food blog I read, because I try not to be mean to myself—but you’re so dang funny AND uplifting that I read your stuff anyway. Also I feel lucky that smell-o-vision really isn’t a Thing, because that really would be mean to myself. But point being, I didn’t worry at all that you disapproved of a commenter who isn’t here for the recipes.)
Anyway. I love your humor, but I also love the way you express your faith. Though we have different theologies, I feel strengthened in my own faith when I read about yours. And I probably should have had more faith in *you,* but it’s been a little bit of a rough week (a close friend who lives very far away has been dealing with a very-treatable-but-still-stressful cancer diagnosis) and I just… eh, thank you for writing. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to write about your large family in public. And thank you for being the kind of person who, in retrospect, I truly *should* have known wouldn’t disapprove of me just because we believe different things. If I make it to the family reunion in New Hampshire next year, I’ll wave in your vague general direction as I cross the state line. 🙂
aw! thank you so much for taking the time to. write this out TWICE. I’m always so gratified when someone who isn’t Catholic and also, in your case, isn’t a big eater, still finds something of worth in my writing, because then I know it’s not just about being on the same team. I hope you do make it to NH! It’s been an especially lovely spring and the summer is gearing up to be just as good.
I alllmost made a broccoli slaw when I was feeding a gathering of nine priests at our parish hall. But I have learned some things feeding the four males in my household, and one of those things is that carrots are generally the most acceptable vegetable for men and boys. And priests may be priests, but they are also men. So instead I made a carrot slaw. My husband assured me this was the right decision. It was all eaten, too, and I suspect broccoli might not have been.
(I also made shepherd’s pie for that gathering of priests, the humor of which did not register with me until after it was made. It was indeed very humorous, though. Or maybe I was just really tired because I had gotten up at 5 a.m. to get all the food made.)
I love that. We once had a priest say Mass in our dining room, and then afterward we had lamb for dinner, but I can’t remember if I planned that or it just happened to be on sale. I can tell you that seminarians will happily eat canned three-bean salad, but priests may be a little more discerning.
I can’t imagine going through a bunch of spam comments and feel bad for you! Ham is the gift that keeps on giving for me and those grilled sandwiches are one reason why. Thanks for the cooler hack about hot things!!! Never thought of that and I really appreciate it! The broccoli slaw reminds me of the carrot slaw my MIL used to make – it was probably a new idea at one time but after a while I didn’t like seeing it. Broccoli benefits from walnuts, too, I’ve discovered, as in a broccoli saute with walnuts and lemon juice and lemon peel and butter. Our neighbors have put a very fine netting over all their fruit trees, which are not large, and it looks like a ghost orchard or giant gypsy moth infestation, but he is serious about saving his fruit! And yeah, if you don’t make at least three trips to get more stuff at the hardware store, it’s not really a project…
ohh, broccoli and walnuts sounds like a great combo.
My grandmother used to serve us carrot and raisin salad with mayonnaise – I guess it’s a generational thing. I’m pretty sure I’d still eat it if someone made it.